Friday, December 25, 2020

Career Options Other Than Banking That You May Pursue With Finance Degree

 Finance is among the most popular of choices for the postgrad business study. A lot of finance graduates have only one career in mind often – banking. With fantastic opportunities and great wages, it is easy to consider banking as a prospective career path, suggests a professor at the best colleges for BSc economics in Mumbai.


Here are some other career options that one may pursue with their finance degree:

Management consultant

The management consultants help the organizations in solving problems, improve their business performance, maximize growth and create greater value. They help identify solutions for troubles in business and also make suggestions for the necessary changes to be implemented. Management consulting is a really rewarding career path for remuneration and job satisfaction.


A stockbroker or trader work for themselves or they work for a firm, and are involved in selling and buying stocks. They might also choose to buy/sell bonds, metals or other financial instruments. It is a high-pressure and fast-paced career option, and is best suited for those with dynamic and bold personalities. To get into this career path, it is best to pursue BSc accounting & finance Mumbai.


It is often a popular career option for finance graduates to become an accountant. Accountants are often employed by companies and firms to assist them with issues relating to financial business such as taxes, analyzing profit/loss, for detecting fraud and for budgeting. Alternative career paths in this field include tax advisors, chartered accountancy and forensic accounting.

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